The Swedish Horse Sector
The horse is an important part of the swedish community. We believe that Sweden will become even better with more horses.

The Swedish horse sector is a large and growing part of the economy. In terms of the number of horses, it is one of the most densely populated countries in Europe.
Facts and figures
- Sweden has about 355,000 horses, equating to 39 horses per 1,000 inhabitants
- The horse sector turnover is SEK 45 – 50 billion, and it provides approximately 30,000 full-time jobs
- Each year, Swedish horses consume or graze on fodder corresponding to 600,000 football pitches.
- After football, trotting and thoroughbred racing comprise Sweden’s largest spectator sport. Around 1 200 000 people visit Swedish trotting racing tracks annually.
- Half a million people ride regularly, of whom about 400,000 are women. An additional half a million people have regular contact with horses.
- After football, horse riding is the most popular youth sport, with girls making up the overwhelming share. Almost 200,000 people are members of riding clubs.
- Horse riding is Sweden’s second largest sport for people with physical disabilities. Riding offers about 4,000 such riders a meaningful recreational activity.
- The horse is used increasingly in preventive healthcare and rehabilitation to end drug addiction, social exclusion and so forth.