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We belive that there is a Swedish born and bred horse for everybody and work to increase the knowledge and benefits about "horses made in Sweden".

Foto: Jessica Hedlund

Strong and sustainable swedish breeding

Domestically born and bred horses are the base of the Swedish horse sector. Strong and sustainable swedish breeding and rearing is important for a strong and viable equine industry. Increased domestic breeding is also a positive contribution towards thriving rural communities. HNS provides SEK 2 million in support per year for different projects in this area.

Horses made in Sweden

Horses made in Sweden puts Swedish horse breeding and rearing in focus. It is a joint effort by the Swedish breeding organiztions to spread Swedish horses worldwide.

In Sweden, horses grow up in their natural environment with access to large pastures and land. This is not only important for the development and sustainability of the horse but also for the Swedish landscape. Horses graze and keep the landscape open which favour biodiversity. Swedish-bred horses also contributes to rural development and an healthy and active lifestyle around the horse.

Horses made in Sweden stands for:

  • a safe choice
  • sustainability
  • tradition
  • international competitiveness


Maria Pettersson
Samordnare avel och hästvälfärd